Athleticum Logo

Athleticum® Fitness is the provider of equipment based quality education and events in the UK and Ireland. We supply quality boutique training equipment and exciting education for the global brand of SPINNING®  as well as Queenax® by Precor, CrossCore®, 4DPro® Bungee Trainer, UGI®, AntiGravity® Aerial Fitness and GUN-eX® Battle Ropes.
Athleticum® is the event organiser for official Spinning® and Fitness events in the UK and Ireland including P.R.O.S. SHOWCASE Fitness Conference in Blackpool, Tribe Ireland and more. We will work hand in hand with any approved events like International Fitness Showcase and Thrive Dublin and Wellfest Ireland.
Our PRO-SHOP can be found at for small order items of training equipment, clothing, accessories and information.

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